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About Us

Through the project “Business incubators to support entrepreneurship and MSME creation in Somalia” (SAP ID 200319) funded by the European Union (ref: SO/FED/042-761), UNIDO will be working with incubators in Somalia to promote inclusive and suitable entrepreneurship development initiatives aimed at creating jobs and economic opportunities, particularly for young women and men, through the promotion and development of locally based and innovation-led business incubation services. UNIDO, through this project, aims at expanding the reach, and reinforcing the delivery, of selected Somali incubators by improving their capacities to deliverer specialized technical and managerial entrepreneurship development incubation program and business development services, transforming them into centers of excellence for business and technology innovation in Somalia, by leveraging technologies solutions available in the country, or accessible though collaborations that the project will facilitate with technology, innovation, and research centers both domestically and internationally. Particular attention will be given to the overall incubators’ sustainability, developing revenue models based on specialized business development service delivery, etc.

Contact Us

Bakaaro Market
Howl-Wadaag District,
Mogadishu, Somalia